Whether you’re simply ready to work on your flexibility or you’re looking to advance your current yoga routine, a little stretching can go a long way. Not only can it prevent muscle tears and other injuries, note the health experts at Harvard, but it can improve muscle health, joint strength, and range of motion over time.
There are plenty of stretches you can try from just about anywhere, which is great for basic flexibility training, but you can also up your game with a few helpful tools. They aren’t expensive or difficult to use, and you can bring them with you for every workout. Ready for the deepest stretch of your life?
Flexibility doesn’t come from tools or equipment—but these assets sure do help! Even basic tools like nonslip mats and grip socks will keep you limber and safe during your workout, so what are you waiting for? Unsafe stretching can become a problem faster than you’d think, so you should learn the proper technique—with the proper equipment—as soon as you can.
Whether you start with one solid investment or are ready to dive into all 5, you’re sure to elevate your stretching routine with any of these helpful items. Combine these tools with some dedicated practice and healthy choices, and you’ll be doing the splits, or at least touching your toes, before you know it.