Moms and dads always want to be prepare for an emergency at home. Most of the time they stock up on some bandaids and call it a day, but injuries can happen quickly at home, so most first aid kits need to go beyond the bandaids to truly be ready for an emergency.
To be ready for the most common injuries, a family first aid kit needs to have some essentials. For example, an ice pack is necessary for the simplest bruise or the most painful twisted ankle. Knee wraps come in handy more often than you might expect, and sunscreen and aloe vera gel can help prevent injuries from the sun. These types of emergencies happen pretty often in every household, so supplying the first aid kit can help you avoid a run to the drug store when someone gets hurt.
Small injuries and maladies can happen in an instant, especially for families with small children. A twisted knee can take weeks to feel better, but if you have the right supplies, moms and dads can take care of the immediate needs of the family pretty quickly. Even a sunburn can be a big problem if you don’t have some sunscreen and aloe vera close at hand.
At home, a good first aid kit goes beyond the basics to be useful in a variety of situations. That might mean avoiding a trip to the doctor or at least the drug store in the case of an emergency.