Tennis is a lower-impact way to reap lots of health benefits, no matter whether you're younger or older. Here are five surprising benefits of playing tennis.
The summer months are ideal of exercising outdoors—but don't let the heat get to you. Follow these steps to understand heat-related issues and how to fix them.
Netflix has a wide selection of documentaries on a range of topics, including many inspiring films about fitness or sports. These three films are the best.
We can all use a little extra motivation and entertainment when we're out on a run. Find your perfect digital running companion in one of these seven podcasts.
With more people getting outside and with most in-home workouts not fulfilling a need for social interaction, it may be time to revisit classic team sports.
Swimming is a popular exercise for all fitness and age levels. Take your swim to the next level with these 6 essential pieces of gear (wearable tech included).
So many fitness activities now happen indoors. But exercising outside can improve health and well-being. These 4 exercises are perfect for your own backyard.
Walking is one of the most effective and efficient forms of exercise for people of all ages and fitness levels, and you hardly need any special equipment.
Walking lunges can bring a host of fitness benefits, including building functional strength. Here's a guide on how to correctly and safely do a walking lunge.
Fitness apps can sometimes feel solitary, but experts have long said working out with friends can be a big motivator. Here are 5 apps you can use with a friend.
There is a sea of apps and services for people who are working out at home more frequently. Which are the best? We waded through to find our three best bets.
You may not think of swimming when you think of fitness apps, but there are a raft (no pun intended) of apps designed for newer and veteran swimmers alike.
The thermometer is no magic bullet, but dieters and clean eaters may enjoy several advantages when the weather turns warm. Here are 7 safe weight-loss tips.
You may have heard of percussion massagers, the trendy alternative to traditional massage methods. Should you make an investment? Here's what you need to know.
Gardening may not be top of mind when it comes to exercise, but it can be a great workout for both moderate- and high-intensity activity. Here's how to do it.
The FitBit craze has spread the idea that 10,000 steps per day is a fitness silver bullet. But the number is arbitrary and not always the best fitness option.
Fitness apps can help beginners and seasoned exercise pros alike track their progress and reach their fitness goals. These 5 pay apps are worth the investment.
Fallen arches or "flat feet" can cause discomfort and mess up your stride. We've scoured the web to find the three running shoes that are best for flat feet.
The modern fitness world can be complex. But swimming is a fairly simple addition that can provide a surprising range of health benefits for any fitness level.
A trampoline can also be a great tool for trendy high-intensity interval training, with a lower impact on the joints. Here's our favorite 30-minute workout.
Jumping rope isn't just for boxers and grade schoolers. It's a major powerhouse for cardio and calorie burning. Here's the lowdown and tips for getting started.
Tabata training is all the rage among novice and expert exercisers alike. Here are the basics on Tabata, its benefits and how it gets results in just minutes.