Strapless dresses, lingerie, crop tops—some articles of clothing just don’t work with a bra. Whether it’s because you don’t want your bra to be seen or because you just don’t feel like wearing one, there are other options to keep you secure and safe from the infamous “nip slip.” Nipple covers (also known as pasties) are a favorite among people on the red carpet, brides on their wedding day, and couples looking for a spicy night at home. Nippies has a lot of options when it comes to pasties, so whether you’re looking for some for a formal occasion or an every-day outfit, one of these is sure to fit your needs.
With great style comes great responsibility. Having everything you need for an outfit—be it a date night, club night, or just-because day out—is important to keep you feeling like your most confident self. Pasties aren’t just for spicy dates, and some of them you can wear time and time again to help keep costs down when you just can’t be bothered to put on a bra every single day. And if you’re looking for pasties that are both fashionable and comfortable, Nippies is the way to go.