With more people moving outdoors to relax and play, and with so many trees and flowers in bloom, now’s the perfect to think outside the boxes (aka, your homes and screens) for your next date with that certain someone.
To be certain, there’s a sweet spot to be found when it comes to outdoor dates. Some outdoor activities can get a little too sweaty, especially when the mercury really hits the red zone. If you’re on the beach or you both love to roll up your sleeves for some healthy competition, a higher-intensity activity can certainly be fulfilling.
But if you’re just looking for a general-purpose romantic date that won’t have you bolting for the AC or the water fountain, the options we’ve assembled here might be just the ticket.
A nice walk
It’s tried and true for a reason: fewer things are more relaxing than a walk through your local park or natural area. Or maybe you have a downtown area that’s particularly walkable. Perhaps you’re both seasoned hikers and are ready to try a scenic trail together.
Looking for a new place to hike? Try the AllTrails app to help you find a new trail or route.
All in all, the setting for your walk is less important than the walk itself, including all the interesting things around you and the impromptu conversations you’ll have as you walk through nature, temporarily disconnected from your screens and free to enjoy each other’s company.
There’s nothing like contributing to a greater good, especially when you and your significant other have found a cause that evokes passion in you both.
It seems these days there are as many causes as there are people willing to work for them.
Many of these causes often include, if not downright necessitate, events that take advantage of seasonable weather.
One example is a waterway or river cleanup. Planting trees and shrubs or pitching in to maintain a local hiking trail–they don’t maintain themselves, after all–are all good options for leaving Mother Nature a little better than you found her.
Of course, indoor volunteering is just as good. Lend a hand at a local food bank or another community-based charity. Whatever you both care about is the right cause for this selfless and highly fulfilling daytime date.
Have a picnic (and shop for it too)
If you’re lucky enough to live near a charming downtown area, go storefront by storefront to shop for the best olives, the most delicious cheese, or the perfect bottle of vino. Compared with midsummer, now’s the time when you can have the place to yourself to leisurely stroll the aisles.
The gourmet section of your local grocery store can also do the trick. And if that’s not your thing, just swing by the local drive-thru. The only picnic that’s important is the one you’re excited to share with each other, and you are the two who best know how to accomplish that.
No matter your approach, once the shopping is done, pack it all in a basket and head to your local green space for phase two: lunch! It could be a Saturday afternoon or it could be a Tuesday lunch break. Either way, you’re bound to have less company (human or insect) and a more favorable temperature reading if you go before the high summer months.
An offseason visit to the farmer’s market
If you don’t think farmer’s markets are nicer in the spring, you simply haven’t tried it yet. Forget about the crowds, the swarms of bugs, and the sweltering temperatures, and hit up your local market when the weather (and the farmers) are still at their most agreeable.
The flip side here is that the full bounty of summer produce is not yet available. But never fear; you can still get ripe strawberries, asparagus, avocado, and mushrooms, and more exotic local delicacies like ramps or fiddlehead ferns.
Spring is actually a good time for visits to plenty of places that reach their peak of popularity in the summer. So consider using the warm months to visit museums, sporting events, amusement parks, popular al fresco restaurants or rooftop deck bars, or other attractions that tend to get overrun once schools let out.
With a great many people now looking to get out of their homes, take advantage of these four date options that you and your sweetheart can share–before the temperatures and crowds make it too hot for comfort.
BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.