When the weather turns warm, we often have more motivation to reach our fitness and nutrition goals. During the winter, it’s often harder to get outside, socialize, and even eat healthier. Because of these reasons, winter weight gain is natural, so if you’re planning to shed those hibernation pounds, ensure you’re doing so safely and effectively.
By eating a balanced diet and getting back on your exercise regimen, you can get back to your body’s natural weight. Keep in mind that this looks different for everyone, so set goals that are best for you, your lifestyle, and your body type. Ready to jump in? Here are seven effective weight loss tips to lose weight safely now that warm weather is here.
Get out of the house
OK, pop quiz: Is it easier to go for a walk when it’s 70 degrees outside or when there are seven inches of snow on the ground? You know the answer, and it’s a clear driver of greater activity during warmer weather. It may seem obvious, but it’s a universal truth that can have a powerful impact on your health and wellness.
When the weather is nice, you’re more likely to socialize with friends, walk instead of drive, and maybe even walk around that new art gallery you’ve been meaning to visit. Long story short, warm weather usually gives us the motivation to get out of the house, and you can start losing weight by being a little more mobile throughout the day.
Get sunshine and vitamin D
There’s also a hidden benefit to being outside that has nothing to do with physical activity and everything to do with that bright yellow orb in the sky.
In a few studies with overweight individuals, Vitamin D assisted in weight and fat loss. The sun is also a key to metabolizing vitamin D, so getting more sun and plenty of vitamin D (including through supplements) is a useful way to help your weight loss journey. Keep in mind that these studies don’t test every body type and lifestyle, so while this may have induced weight loss in some individuals, vitamin D alone isn’t enough to promote weight loss in everyone.
And, of course, be sure to be careful about getting too much sun.
Sweat it out
Sweating is the body’s way of cooling itself down. This can indeed lead to weight loss, but this is just water weight, meaning you will put the weight back on naturally as you eat and rehydrate. However, some people, especially those with a high-sodium diet, retain more water than others. In these situations, sweat is a good way to expel that extra water retention.
Take advantage of summer produce
There are many fruits and vegetables in season, many of which pack big nutritional punches and serve as healthier alternatives to the foods we eat while hunkered down over the winter.
Take advantage by enjoying fresh smoothies, salads, or snacks that are delicious and healthful additions to any diet. Further, many vegetables are full of fiber, keeping you feeling fuller for longer so you don’t end up overeating or snacking on empty calories later.
The heat is an appetite-suppressant
Studies on weight loss found that people eat less when their body temperatures go up, so simply sitting in the sun may reduce cravings. This may be useful in the short term, though it will not have a longer effect given that plenty of other factors affect your cravings and hunger.
Additionally, drinking enough water, about eight glasses per day, can keep you feeling full. Often, our body mistakes thirst for hunger and we end up reaching for snacks when we need a glass of water. Be sure to drink throughout the day, especially after meals, to prevent you from overeating.
Grill out
Ditch the chicken fingers and toss another chicken breast on the BBQ. By swapping out fried foods for grilled meals, you can reduce carbohydrates and fat from your diet, two contributors to weight gain. Not to mention grilled food brings stronger and more versatile flavor, so it’s a benefit for your taste buds as well as your waistline.
Do yardwork
Gardening and other yard work may not take the place of a 700 calorie-burning spin class, but these tasks are more active than you might think. Basic gardening can burn 200-400 calories per hour, while high-intensity yardwork like landscaping can burn 400-600 calories per hour. Further, mowing the lawn (with a walking lawn mower) burns between 250-350 calories per hour, and raking will run you about 300-400 calories per hour.
Every person and situation is unique, so at the end of the day, you’ll have to find out how best to ramp up your diet and exercise plan when warmer weather comes to town. Your body type, weight distribution, and metabolism are influenced by your genetics as well as your diet and exercise. While following an active, balanced lifestyle is a great method of weight loss, be sure to reach out to a healthcare professional if you’re concerned about your weight or want to ensure you’re losing weight in a healthy way.
BlissMark provides information regarding health, wellness, and beauty. The information within this article is not intended to be medical advice. Before starting any diet or exercise routine, consult your physician. If you don’t have a primary care physician, the United States Health & Human Services department has a free online tool that can help you locate a clinic in your area. We are not medical professionals, have not verified or vetted any programs, and in no way intend our content to be anything more than informative and inspiring.