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5 essential beauty tools for your self care routine

Practicing self care is an important part of encouraging health and wellness mentally, physically and even spiritually. A common way that many people exercise self care is through pampering themselves with a spa day at home. This can include lighting a scented candle, turning on some calming music or meditating in a warm, bubble bath. For many people, recreating a spa-like environment at home provides a calm, serene frame of mind without the hefty prices that you’d typically find at a beauty parlor. You can transform your living space into a sanctuary with the help of some essential beauty tools that are available on Amazon right now.

Here are five essential tools to use for your self care routine:

Indulging yourself with these five beauty products can help you turn a boring beauty regimen into an extravagant spa experience. Let’s face it, from daily work commutes to heating up frozen dinners after a long day, our every day routines can sometimes become monotonous and lackluster. It’s important that we take special care of our mental and physical wellbeing so that we can tackle the highs and lows of life. Something as small as treating yourself to a pretty, glass nail file or applying a nutrient-rich face mask can brighten your mood. Participating in self care has been shown to provide ample health benefits as well as reduce the risks and effects of anxiety and depression. Set aside some time to celebrate yourself with these purposeful beauty tools for the perfect self care day.



How to choose an all-natural sunscreen
A mom putting sunscreen on her child's back.

Even if you are a champion sunscreen wearer, you may not be doing everything you can to take care of your skin. While you may remember to slather it on whenever you leave the house, have you ever taken a look at the ingredients in the product you are using? You might be surprised at the number of chemicals that at listed on the back of the bottle.

We all have brands that we love, but are they giving us more than we bargained for? A recent study showed that many of the active ingredients in chemical sunscreens can be absorbed into the bloodstream once they penetrate the skin. Whether those chemicals have a harmful effect on our bodies is yet to be determined. Until we do know what those chemicals may be doing to us, it's wise to understand sunscreen ingredient dos and don’ts and how to find a healthier, all-natural sunscreen.

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5 best clean body oils under $20 to combat dry skin
A woman putting body oil on her arm.

There’s no feeling like putting on lotion after a lovely shower. Or rubbing in some lotion before bed so your skin feels soft in the morning. But what about when you lotion and lotion and lotion up and still have dry skin? That’s where body oils may come into play.

If your skin isn’t letting lotion do its job, you need to call in a heavy hitter. Body oils can help with problem spots like knees and elbows. They can also just be a great product in the rotation to maintain moisture all over your body. Let’s look at five of the best clean body oils to get your dry skin looking amazing.
Kiehl’s Crème de Corps Nourishing Dry Body Oil
Kiehl’s makes sure that its products are pure, clean, and great for you and the environment. The grapeseed oil will calm your skin with antioxidants while the vitamin E will moisturize. Just spray and rub in as much or as little as you want throughout the day. It dries super-fast and leaves your skin hydrated without leaving a residue or sticky feeling.

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Is turmeric actually good for your skin? We did the research for you
Different spices, like turmeric, in spoons laying on a table.

There's no individual cure or miracle ingredient that will immediately give you perfect, blemish-free skin. While skincare is an ongoing process, sometimes a super ingredient comes along that promises to singularly provide revolutionary results. While some of these ingredients don't always meet expectations, others become a staple in our bathroom cabinet. For us, this staple product is turmeric. From cozy drinks to skincare products, this anti-inflammatory spice is giving everyone an enviable glow from the inside out.
Turmeric’s backstory
This bright yellowish-orange spice is ground from a root that's very similar to ginger. Native to India, people have been including turmeric in food and drinks for thousands of years. Getting a little daily dose isn’t such a bad idea, as this spice can calm upset stomachs, soothe a cold, and even lower your risk of certain cancers.

Because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties, it also makes a great addition to skincare products. If you are finding your skin has been looking dull, uneven, or a bit puffy, it may be time to incorporate turmeric into your skincare routine.

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