Yoga has been around for 5,000 years. Yoga was originally a spiritual journey focusing on the mind and body. It still is, but today yoga is practiced by many for a variety of reasons. Some come to the yoga mat as a way to lose weight or get in shape. Others begin practicing yoga as a way to manage stress, anxiety, or depression. Many take up the discipline to help with overall health issues like arthritis and back problems. Yoga may not seem to be high energy like some forms of physical exercise, but it does challenge the body and the mind. As you prepare to embark on your yoga journey, what essentials do you need?
Yoga has certainly endured the ages. It remains a spiritual journey of mind and body. Today yoga is much more. Yoga increases flexibility, mobility, and muscle tone. It’s a full-body workout even professional athletes use to help improve performance on the playing field and protect from injury. If you’re looking for a physical fitness program to lose weight and improve your overall health, yoga is an excellent choice. Unlike some exercise regimes, yoga is relatively low maintenance. All you really need is a mat. Add in yoga blocks as needed to suit your practice.